Kevin Cook

Interview with up-and-coming singer-songwriter Amber Jones

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Image credit: JJ Jimenez

This week we’re interviewing up-and-coming singer-songwriter Amber Jones. Originally from Connecticut, USA, Amber is a promising emerging artist currently based in LA.

Her relaxed, brooding sound could best be described as Alternative R&B, with a touch of slowed-down Electronica. Her voice taking centre stage, it is ethereal and romantic, sitting above washed-out chords and programmable drum beats. Amber Jones’ debut single, ‘Blueberries’, is out now via Amber Jones Music.

Stream / Download: Amber Jones – ‘BLUEBERRIES’

What led you to a life in music?

I truly believe I was inspired by my grandmother Georgia. She is no longer living, but her flawless voice will always live on. Growing up and hearing Nana sing made me want to do the same, especially once I realized I could actually hold a note. Nana always pushed me to sing more. I think she saw something in me that I didn’t necessarily see in myself. 

We love your voice. How did you hone your talent?

Practice. When I say practice I mean trying different things with my voice and not being afraid to let go a little. It’s so easy for an artist to hold back vocally, sometimes we think it’s safe to stay within certain lines aka a box, but I’m convinced we can’t grow that way. Our talent can’t expand when we are not willing to do our part to expand it. 

You’ve worked with experienced producer and sound engineer Scott Welch. What was that like?

Working with Scott has been an absolute blast. We’ve become great friends through the creative process, which I’m super grateful for. Every single one of his tracks have inspired me in some way. Honestly, sometimes it’s really tough to stay focused on a current/uncompleted project because I can’t help but put time and energy into new creative ideas that he provokes.

What was the most defining moment in your music career?

If I’m being honest, I don’t think I’ve had one that’s worth highlighting. Sure I’ve had great turnouts at live shows, inspiring studio sessions, and have met some legends, but I’m still working towards that defining moment that a lot of us artists dream up. 

What’s next for Amber Jones?

My focus is to really push all of the singles I release this year. You can have the greatest song in the world, but if no one knows about it, what’s it worth? I don’t want to slack on promoting this music. It’s my baby in a sense and I have to look after it. I have to make sure it gets the attention I feel it deserves. This music is something special and it means everything to me to get it off the ground. 

Looking back, what were some of your earliest entries into music appreciation? And music production?

I remember being in middle school and knowing the names of almost all of the artists who came on the radio. My mom would say “Amber, who’s this?”, and I’d be able to tell her. I’ve always appreciated good music; it’s one thing that has inspired me to make my own.

Please tell us more about how your latest release/project was conceived.

My latest release was conceived earlier this year, the day after my birthday. A night out with friends celebrating life. Stayed up way later than I should have, and had a little too much fun. That night I realized that partying isn’t something I love to do. Yeah, it’s fun in the moment, but recovery often comes with a price.

Take us through your songwriting process. Are there any particular steps you take when putting music together?

It all starts with inspiration; I have to be inspired. If I hear a guitar track or beat that moves me, I can’t help but write melodies to it. Once I’ve got the melody down, me and Scott get together in the studio to build the rest of the track out. I like this process because it’s not forced. For me it’s simple: I write when I’m inspired and spend time doing other things when I’m not.

How much do you invest in how your music is received upon release?

This is a huge priority for me. I spend a lot of time making sure everything is perfect (in my eyes) before putting music out into the world. I want my songs to be the best they can be before sharing them with others. It’s important for people to have the best possible listening experience.

What is the most memorable response you have had to your music?

I can’t say that I fully believe these words, but on multiple occasions hearing people say “You sound just as good as Adele, if not better” has been pretty memorable for me.

Are there any key non-musical influences on your sound and creative process?

Life experiences are what influence my sound and creative process. The melancholier tracks tend to be about situations that are a bit more pressing, whereas my more upbeat tracks are a reflection of positive/happy times.

Do you have any information regarding upcoming releases, projects, DJ mixes or collaborations in the pipeline that you would like to tell us about?

For now, I’m just focusing on promoting ‘BLUEBERRIES’, my most recent release. Hoping that this release will help open some new doors for me.

Famous last words?

You’ve got to love what you do so much that a closed door only stings for 5 minutes, not 5 weeks, 5 months, or 5 years. Never stop.

Listen to ‘BLUEBERRIES’:

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