Burr Island, a UK duo consisting of Oskar Porter and Tom England, dropped their latest single, 'Our Home,' on March 1, 2024, via Left Foot Records. The pair, former actors…
Indie rocker Dave Curl dropped his second album, Lockdown - Seven Nations, on February 23, 2024. The album follows the release of his impactful single, 'Lockdown', on January 19, 2024.…
Los Angeles-based vocalist and pianist Milena Gligic has released her mesmerizing music video for the enchanting single, ‘Daredevil’ Milena, renowned for her versatile mastery across operatic, jazz, and Balkan ethno…
Musical prodigy Graham Riley has released his latest single ‘Lucid’. Graham Riley’s interests in music started at the tender age of 3 years old. His skills were so advanced for…
Emerging independent Dutch pop artist YME (Ymke de Bijl) released a gorgeous new single, ‘Come Closer’, on January 12, 2024. Ymkje is the daughter of Esther de Bijl aka E-Starr,…
Emerging alt-R&B talent Jovva’s first track to hit the airwaves, the hot girl anthem, ‘More’, landed on the 19th of January, 2024. The Toronto native's introduction to music occurred when…
Multi-modal artist Morgan Mabry unveiled a third stunning single, ‘Tables Turned’, on November 30, 2023. The track follows ‘Willow’ and ‘Hurt People’, and precedes her debut EP, Arrows Into Flowers:…
Christine Sako released a new single, ‘Warmth’, on December 8, 2023 via her independent label, Christine Sako Music. Christine has previously toured with the emo indie-rock outfit Now, Now, and…
Finnish multi-modal artist EMMI IIDA has released an avant-pop single, 'Trinity' on the 1st of December 2023 via her own label EFG Records Oy. EMMI IIDA is an internationally-recognised visual…
Genre-blending artist iFeature (moniker of Paris-based Jan Contopidis) has unveiled a new single, ‘Sky Of Babylon’ on the 1st of December 2023. Originally from Hamburg (Germany), iFeature has been playing…